The Role Of Google Analytics In Digital Marketing

The Role Of Google Analytics In Digital Marketing

The Role Of Google Analytics In Digital Marketing


It is very necessary to analyze anything you do to understand the chances of improvement. Being a Digital Marketer, Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to monitor your website. Using Google Analytics, you can observe where the traffic on your website is coming from, how many people are visiting your website, how your campaigns are running, etc. It gives you the power of tracking all activities that are happening on the website. Depending on this data shown in Analytics, you can identify the problems and think of solutions.

So how Google Analytics works?

Google Analytics hands over plenty of benefits if one can use it wisely. Following is a list of points to learn Google Analytics deeply.

Overview Of Traffic From Different Channels:

You do a lot of activities to reach your audience using a variety of platforms say Facebook, Twitter, Guest Blogging, Emails, Video Content, etc. It is also necessary to track exactly which platform is working well for you and which is not.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics

Organic Data: If your website can generate huge organic traffic then understand your SEO methods have worked pretty well. The more is your organic traffic, the more are chances of ranking in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) You can also read Types of Google Algorithms to know how Google works and you can gain more traffic by ranking higher.

Social Media Channels: The same way you can see how much traffic is coming from all social media channels organically and also how the campaigns are running on those social media platforms.

Email: Email is considered an important communication between the customer and the company. Also, you can run campaigns using Mails with a link to the website embedded in it. These campaigns also bring traffic to your website and you get leads.

Paid Search: Everyone knows Google Ads is the fastest way to generate authentic leads which ultimately brings traffic to the site. You can check how your Adword campaigns are performing and take the necessary actions.

Referrals: This traffic is generated from backlinks. Whenever someone comes on your website from another website, it counts in referral traffic.

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Website Tracking:

Many users come, visit and exit the website. Using Google Analytics you can monitor on which page users are spending more time, which pages are they going out, how many users are visiting which pages etc things. You can check this data for a day, week, month’s year or you can select the time window you want. You can also see the real-time performance which gives active members on the website at that time. It’s okay if you are getting traffic but it is also important to check if they are converting or not. This you can check by setting a goal and track it when people take a certain action on your website.

Audience Engagement:

You want your audience to spend maximum time on your website and convert them. Using Google Analytics you can actually how much your website, content, or service is appealing to your visitors. This section shows you the data and tells you about user interaction. If your bounce rate is higher then people are not taking interested and they are leaving early. Here average session duration tells you how much time users are spending on your website. Higher is the number, the better is the business. You can also keep track of which page of your website is performing good which is not.

Analytics is a part of Digital Marketing and people today have understood the importance of analytics in Digital Marketing. They seem eager and can learn it through Best Digital Marketing Course and here we are ready to spread knowledge about Digital Marketing.

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