Hashtags in Social Media

Use & Importance of Hashtags in Social Media

Use & Importance of Hashtags in Social Media


Needless to say that Hashtags have created a great impact on people and brands for creating awareness and increasing engagements. The symbol has become powerful to raise the voice, grab attention, and be heard. But how does it work?

Let’s understand more about Hashtags.

Hashtags in Social Media
Hashtags in Social Media


How Does Hashtag work?

Nowadays Hashtags (#) are a highly famous thing on social media platforms. Any common user uses it for categorization and to make it visible to other people in his or her network. This way when a person in a network search for the special word with the hashtag, is switched on a result page where all matching post with hashtag word are shown. So it has become simple for a person to search for what he or she was looking for.

Start of Hashtags:

Very firstly a Hashtag was used on the Twitter platform by a person named Chris Messina in the year 2007. He has worked at Google and as a product designer in Silicon Valley. Firstly he used the hashtag to highlight San Diego Wildfire event where he got a great response from people. The idea of his using hashtags had a purpose that people want their voice to be heard on particular topics. This invented hashtags and now they are everywhere. After Twitter, people were using hashtags on Instagram also. So Instagram adapted hashtags in the year 2010 which is followed by Facebook in 2013.

How do Hashtags Create an Impact on a Post?

Almost everyone uses hashtags in their post but there are very few people who know how and where to use hashtags properly. Hashtags are supposed to use in different counts on different social media accounts as it increases or reduces engagement. According to a study, when you use more than one hashtag on Twitter and Facebook, it significantly reduces your engagement. Whereas for Instagram this result is different. More you use hashtags. More is engagement. But here also you have a limit of 30 hashtags. This limit has been put to prevent the abusive use of hashtags.

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How to create Hashtags?

There are some simple rules to create hashtags. Like you just simply have to put a hashtag symbol in front of the word you want to highlight. Spaces and special characters are not allowed in creating hashtags. You should also maintain space between two hashtags. Also, to make it readable try to keep the hashtag with fewer words and capitalize each word.

There are some tools like Hashtagify .me, RiteTag where you can find correct, trendy hashtags and analyze their performance.

Examples of Trendy Hashtags

Speaking about recent hashtag movements, #MeToo and #10YearChallenge tops the list. We all know what kind of impact these hashtags have created. Many times on social media, there is no single person behind creating these movements but it influences people to a great extent.

In the case of brands, McDonald’s took the 10 years challenge and reduced its menu prices to years back for 10 days in a row. Bajaj Allianz created a 36 seconds plank challenge to promote its 36 illness coverage. This campaign gained about 1.5 lakh mentions.

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